Type 2 Diabetes & Toxic Food

It was about 2006 when I found out that I was diabetic and realized I needed to learn more about Type 2 Diabetes. So I decided to experiment on myself. My wife bought corn on the cobb from the commisary and I cooked two ears and ate them. My blood sugar went up to about 250 mg/dl and took several days to return to normal. I then bought several ears of organic corn, cooked two ears and ate them for dinner. My blood sugar went up to about 170 and was back down to normal the next morning. So what was the difference between the ears of corn? I assume that the ears my wife bought were GMO corn designed to grow without essential metal nutrients so that RoundUp could be used to kill weeds but not the corn. The problem is that we need metal nutrients. We need chromium to activate insulin. Without chromium, insulin does not work to move blood sugar into cells. i.e. diabetes. In the mid-1990s, there was GMO corn, soy, cotton-seed & Canola being sold in stores. And Diabetes was becoming a problem.

Now there are over 24 GMO foods that are deficient in essential nutrients, and there is an epidemic of Diabetes. The easiest cure would be to eat only organic food grown in nutrient rich soil. But only GMO food is substitised by our government and organic is expensive by comparison. With some buyers avoiding GMO foods, Monsanto convinced farmers that RoundUp could be used to kill non-GMO foods and thus make harvest easier. So yes, Cheereos might be made from non-GMO oats, but the oats were terminateed with RoundUp. The result is that the glyphosate in RoundUp locks up essential metal nutrients so they cannot function. Only foods with the Organic label are guaranteed to be non-toxic.

Of course glyphosate also locks up other metal nutrients like cobalt which creates a deficientcy in our production of cobalamin [Vitamin B-12]. There is also a deficientcy in the metal vanadium that some believe is also needed to process sugar.

After 2010, weeds, by natural selection, were now able to grow and not be killed by RoundUp. So Monsanto added 2,4-D to RoundUp to help kill the weeds. You might remember that 2,4-D is one of the major components of Agent Orange. And yes, in the United States, these poisons are now in almost all non-Organic food. With both glyphosate and 2,4-D in RoundUp, no wonder we have a hard time processing sugar and other carbohydrates. No wonder we also have an epidemic of cancer.

Most of us have Candida Albicans in our gut. But consuming foods with glyphosate and drinking water with fluorosilic acid can put holes in our gut. If these holes become large enough, Candida Yeast can enter our blood streem and become Candida Fungus that some believe can cause cancer. Now there is an epidemic of Candida Auris that can graduate into a very destructive and deadly fungus. Be careful of what you eat!

Cancer is a Fungus?

Poisoned Wheat


Of course going Organic is an ideal solution. But for those of us with limited funds, there are suplements that can help when eating non-Organic food. One that I use is "CinSulin". Each capsule contains 250 IU of Vitamin D3, 200 mcg of chromium from chomium picolinate, and 250 mg of Ceylon India Cinnimum Bark. A bottle of 170 capsules is reasonably inexpensive. [less than $20. from Cosco -- 2019]

Also useful is "WellBetX" Berberine with 60 - 500 mg capsules that help convert carbs in cells into energy rather then fat.

Recently a half dozen alternative have come on the market that also include other nutrients such as compounds of vanadium, plus Mulberry leaves, Licorice Root Extract, and many more useful substances. But they are expensive.

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This is my opinion from the literature I have read and personal experiments. Because I am not a medical doctor, these comments are only my opinion.

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