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Cancer & GMOs

Since the death of my son from cancer, I have been trying to connect the dots as to what is causing the current cancer epidemic. Now I have to admit that there are many things that cause cancer. But the current U. S. epidemic seems to follow a pattern. The trigger appears to be the consumption of foods genetically modified to produce the Bt-toxin and withstand glyphosate, the presence of Candida Albicans in the gut, and a deficiency of iodine. But then even these seem to be connected.

Glyphosate, the main ingredient in RoundUp, locks up metal nutrients so the cannot be used. Therefore crops genetically modified to be able to grow with a minimum of metal nutrients are said to be "RoundUp Ready". The problem is that chromium is needed to activate insulin, the lack of which causes an excess of both insuli and sugar in the blood. Vitamin B-12 that controls cell division and growth is a cobalt centered molecule. Without cobalt there is a lack of vitamin B-12 resulting in infertility, miscarriage, Alzheimer's and other problems. Lack of zinc, magnesium and other essential metal nutrients results in an ineffective immune system. Since iodine is almost always transported with a metal, there seems to be a connection between glyphosae and iodine deficiency.

The gene from bacillius theringiensis that make the Bt-toxin has been spliced into many foods. It is true that this bacterium has been cultivated for many years to make a solution that can be sprayed on crops to protect them from insects. The Bt-toxin is therefore an insecticide that works by splitting open the stomach and gut of whatever insects eat it. When we buy vegetables sprayed with this toxin, it is a simple matter to wash it off. The problem is that when this gene is spliced into corn, soy, and many other crops and we eat these crops, we are eating this toxin because it is now part of the food and cannot be washed off. Indeed, foods with the Bt-gene that make the Bt-toxin can make holes in your gut. These holes can allow toxic "gut stuff" into your blood stream. Basically this is a false Celiac manifestation.

Thus you end up with toxic blood that is high in sugar. And when the holes in your gut get big enough, it can let Candida Albicans into your blood stream where it can travel to various parts of your body. This fungus thrives in this toxic, high sugar environment, and can grow rapidly with a weak immune system.

I believe this fungus activates unlimited growth of human body cells in an attempt to surround, contain and destroy this fungal growth. I believe that this unlimited growth of body cells trying to protect the body is cancer. I believe the real cure to this kind of cancer is not surgery, radiation or chemo toxic to the body, but chemo that is toxic to the Candida. i.e. a fungicide.

The other day I ran into an infomercial that talks about a cure for a Candida infestation that uses a fungicide. It has useful information: In theory, if you kill the Candida, then there is no reason for the rapid cell growth to contain the Candida. i.e. no Candida, no cancer.

I heard an interesting case of a child born with cancer. In this case I would expect that the Candida to be present in the vaginan and then transported into the womb. Normally I would expect a healthy fetus to destroy the Candida Fungus. But if the mother is eating mostly genetically modified foods that contain glyphosate and are therefore nutrient deficient, she would not be able to pass on to her child essential metal nutrients needed for a child's healthy immune system, to help in cell division and growth, and prevent excess sugar in the blood. In other words: lots of sugar for the Candida and a compromised immune system unable to remove it.

Perhaps it should be mentioned that Candida in the vagina is an inability of the mother's immune system to control it. Again, lack of essential metal nutrients, and a reoccuring deposit of sugar.

A diet of excess sugar and deficient in nutrients can also result in Candida growth in the mouth.

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