Trump / Putin Collusion

Democrats observe that Trump and Putin have similiar concepts on how to lead a country to success. Since these concepts are very different from the Democratic concept of control by force and taxation of the occupents of a county, they conclude collusion between Putin and Trump. Even though Putin and Tramp are on the same page, the collusion is not between them, but between Putin and a third party and between Trump and the same third party that they both have regular contact with. The Head of this third party of three, listens to their problems and the third member of this party sent to give necessary instructions and advice back to he who asked for advice. If the reply is very important, the Head of this party assigns His son to directy deliver detailed advice and council. It is obvious that most of our recent Presidents have not asked for advice from this council, but from a source of bad advice. Past presidents who have also used the advice and council of this third party include Reagan, JFK, Lincoln and George Washington. The best news is that this Holy council of three is available to all of us.

Trump's Collusion with Russia was Hiding in Plain Sight
Teach them correct principles and they will govern themselves.
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