Gulf Oil Spill

In the video of the scheduled blow-out protector safety test, after the blow-out protector passed the test, suddenly the entire drilling platform rapidly dropped with a loud noise. What if something much larger then a whale hit the pipe hard enough to rip it out of the engaged blow-out protector thus destroying blow-out protector?

Then much later when oil was found [at a pressure over 100,000 psi] the damaged blow-out protector would not work and the pipe would be forcefully ejected from the hole and later be found as a crumpled mess on the ocean floor. In that case it would be by design to create a massive oil spill as an excuse to shut down all Gulf oil wells, forcing us to buy oil from the Sadies.

Then to compound the damage, a very toxic emulsifier was used to cause the oil to mix with the ocean water to form a very toxic sludge that would kill all the fish, shell fish and even poison any marine mammals that came in contact with the sludge. Global terrorists have no respect for our environment.

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