Military Demands Healthy food & Water

To fight you must be fit in mind and body. Military requires those who fight be healthy, strong and smart. Therefore Camps for military training stress the need for toxic free food [organic] and toxic free water [no fluoride] I believe when politicians wanted to dumb down san Diego by adding fluorosalicic acid to our water, Neither Mirimar Naval Air Station or Camp Pendleton added this poison to their water. Asa a side note, Del Mar Race Track is part of San Diego, and the first year after added fluorosilicic acit to the water, nine horses died in that racing season. Their bones could no longer handel the weight of horse and rider around the curves of the tract at full speed.

Toxic Race Horses

I noticed that the commissary at Mirimary Naval Air Station has a huge selection of organic food, both raw and frozen. Organic food is free of the glyphosate and 2,4-D poisons that degrade strengh and the ability to think fast. Unfortunately I do not see this wide selection of organic raw and frozen foods at Camp Pendelton.

This is my opinion from the literature I have read. I am not a medical doctor.

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