Cancer is usually caused by a fungus

The yeast called Candida is a normal resident of your gut. The effect of glyphosate on type 2 diabetes has been documented. Because glyphosate locks up chromium, insulin does not work as well. Therefore there is more sugar in the blood. Glyphosate in combination with fluorosilicic acid can put holes in the gut which can lead to Candida in the blood. Candida loves sugar. It will find a nice acidic place to grow in your blood system and graduate to a fungus that consumes a lot of glucose, and release enzymes to decompose human tissue to provide the minerals it needs to grow.

These enzymes will then cause human tissue to change from an aerobic to anaerobic state and grow rapidly to try to surround, and kill the Candida. However, if certain essential nutrients are missing, because of glyphosate, this defense will not work and the growing mass of Candida fungus and anaerobic cells will eventual destroy you. This is call cancer. The object is to kill the fungus. Then there are no more toxic enzymes created by the fungus and the surviving anaerobic cells will return to normal aerobic cells. Note that this does not apply to mutant cells caused by high level radiation such as UVC, X-Ray or Gamma. Things that can kill Candida include extended high fever, baking soda, a blood ph greater than 7.5, hydrogen peroxide, Vitamin C, Vitamin B-17, and other fungicides. Note that B-17 contains cyanide that is released by the fungal digestive enzimes. This cyanide can then kill the fungus. Compounds such as CL-4 and AV-47 may also be fungicides. Once there is a hole in the gut, addition Candida can enter and start cancer at other locations. Physical trauma to a cancer colony can cause cancer fragments to break off and travel to other locations an start new colonies.

Poisoned Wheat

Diabetes type 2

This is my opinion from the literature I have read. I am not a medical doctor.

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